EW5A History page

The history of the ew5a station begins in 2017. After achieving significant results in the individual competition at international competitions, Valery Zhytkovich became obsessed with the idea of ​​bringing the team  Republic of Belarus into the top 10 countries in the world in international competitions.
 In 2017, Valery Zhytkovich acquired a plot of land in a remote village and began planning the construction of a station that previously had no analogues in the Republic of Belarus.  The project is financed from Valery’s own savings.
To implement plans to achieve high results, it is obvious that it is necessary to create a complex of antenna devices that will allow you to hear absolutely any territory on the globe.
Over the course of 3 years, 17 masts for antennas with a height of 20 to 60 meters will be erected on the station site, on which more than 40 antennas are placed. All antennas are designed by Valery himself, for which he receives special education in the field of “antenna construction”. Some of the antennas have no analogues in the world. It takes several years to set up and test the equipment.
After building the station and receiving the call sign EW5A - Valery sends out invitations to athletes of the Republic of Belarus and invites them to join his team. At first, many athletes were distrustful of his proposal; few responded.
Tactics and strategies for the team’s participation in international competitions are being developed; to carry out organizational work, Valery is forced to leave his main job and focus on training the team and setting up equipment for a whole year.
The results of hard work were not long in coming. Already in 2020, the EW5A team achieved its first serious results in international competitions.   Athletes improve their skills and their results become higher with each competition.
Starting from 2021 to this day, the EW5A team has confidently become one of the leaders in World Radio Sports --- having received 1st place at the World and European Championships.